COMMUNITY: Carlton-in-Lindrick WI

Community events.Community events.
Community events.
The February meeting was designated as a '˜Members' Night' '“ an evening where the group had no guest speaker but instead provided the entertainment for themselves. This particular entertainment was the tried and tested bingo and beetle drive. It might not sound all that exciting and different, but it rouses passions and hilarity seldom encountered at the Parish Centre.It was noisy, great fun and all the rules of the game were broken.

The group welcomed two new members and two visitors – what must they have thought? The group hope to see them at meetings in the future. New Year’s diets were put to one side as the WI enjoyed a supper of bread, cheese and pate. It was a lovely evening spent in the company of good friends.

Activities continue to be an eclectic mix of events – there is an opportunity to learn the basics of clay pigeon shooting, get to grips with the game of golf, improve your needlework skills and participate in a county-wide general knowledge quiz over the course of the next few months. Regular activities continue as normal, a weekly walk on Monday mornings, darts on a Monday evening, swimming on Wednesdays, the luncheon club meeting every two months (most recently at the Riddell Arms where a very good meal was enjoyed) and the gardening group which meets monthly at the Anne Daniels Centre.

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The next meeting is scheduled March 10, this meeting will be the AGM where the committee is selected followed by a kurling session. If you would like to know more about Carlton W.I. visit their Facebook site, call 07790 929136 or just turn up at 7.15pm at the Parish Centre.

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