‘Foolish’ Worksop boozer caught with knife and nunchucks

Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.
Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.
A ‘foolish’ Worksop man was drunk when he was found carrying a knife and nunchucks – but a court accepted he did not brandish them.

Dariusz Ostapczuk, aged 29, admitted carrying the weapons at a previous court hearing, and was sentenced on his account of what happened.

Sentencing, Ms Recorder Francesca Levett told him: “You were drunk and displayed poor thinking skills.”

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She said: “The offence was born out of stupidity and I sincerely hope you understand how foolish you were.”

The judge said that the incident, in which Ostapczuk claimed he had been mocked by some Romanian men, ‘could have escalated into something more serious’.

Ms Recorder Levett said: “The author of the pre-sentence report is of the view that if you had a little more insight into the effect alcohol has on you, this incident was unlikely to have occurred.

“In my view the custody threshold has been passed on account of the nature of the items that were seized.”

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Nottingham Crown Court heard he would be at risk of deportation if custody was imposed.

He is in debt for unpaid rent and was claiming Universal Credit, but has recently found a job.

Ostapczuk, of John Street, spoke only to correct the pronunciation of his surname.

He was given a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, as well as 100 hours of unpaid work.

Ms Recorder Levett told him: “I hope we don’t see you here again and I wish you the best of luck.”