Drug dealer faces prison

A GAINSBOROUGH man has been told he faces jail after he was convicted of drug dealing following a police raid on his home.

Officers discovered cocaine and cannabis during the raid on the Trinity View home of Gary Law and Hayley Mellership.

Timothy Palmer, prosecuting, told a jury at Lincoln Crown Court: “The typical purity of street level deals of cocaine is between three and 30 per cent. This cocaine was 69 per cent pure - it is the sort of cocaine a dealer would dilute in order to maximise his profit. There was a large quantity of cocaine which was too much for personal possession and must have been for supply.”

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Officers also recovered a set of electronic scales which when tested were found to have traces of both cocaine and cannabis. Text messages found on Law’s mobile provided further evidence of drug dealing.

Law, 27, denied possession of cocaine with intent to supply on 9th September 2010 but was found guilty by a jury. He admitted possession of cannabis with intent to supply and supplying cannabis. He denied supplying cocaine and was cleared on the directions of the judge.

Mellership, 25, also of Trinity View, denied charges of possession of both cannabis and cocaine with intent to supply on 9th September 2010 and was cleared by the jury who found her guilty of the lesser charges of possession of both drugs. She denied permitting premises to be used for the supply of cannabis but was found guilty. She admitted supplying cannabis.

Judge Sean Morris adjourned sentence for the preparation of reports and granted the couple bail.

He told Law: “You must know that you are facing a prison sentence. There is only one sentence for these offences. You know what the sentence is going to be. It is just a matter of how long.”

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