Gainsborough: Man who stabbed his mum in the leg five times during an argument has been jailed for two years

David TaylorDavid Taylor
David Taylor
A Gainsborough man who stabbed his mother five times in the leg with a kitchen knife after suffering mental health problems was jailed for two years.

David Taylor, 32, admitted wounding his 57-year-old mother and also assaulting his 84-year-old father after police were called to the family’s home in Heapham Road.

Taylor appeared at Lincoln Crown Court.

Lincoln Crown Court was told Taylor got in to an argument with his parents after taking his mother’s car to go and get some drink.

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The court heard when police arrived at the property just before 5am Taylor was waiting outside.

He told them: “Ive stabbed them.”

Tony Stanford, prosecuting said when police went inside they found Mrs Taylor lying on the living room floor.

She had suffered five stab wounds to her left thigh.

Mr Taylor was also discovered lying on the floor with a bloody nose and cut to his hand.

The court was told police found a large kitchen knife in Taylor’s bedroom.

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Mrs Taylor was later examined in hospital where the cuts measuring between 2 and 10cms long were stitched.

Mr Stanford added: “The apparent catalyst appears to be when Taylor borrowed his mother’s car to go to a local petrol station to get some drink and crashed it.”

The court heard Mrs Taylor did not make a statement to the police and was in court to support her son.

Alison Summers, mitigating told the court Taylor had been diagnosed with a mixed personality disorder.

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Miss Summers added: “It is significant this incident occurred just as Mrs Taylor was contacting the mental health crisis team.”

“He is sorry.”

“This incident involved his parents who continue to support him.”

Taylor, of Heapham Road, Gainsborough admitted charges of unlawful wounding, assault causing actual bodily harm and failing to supply a specimen following the incident on 9th August last year.

Passing sentence Recorder Peter Cooke said he accepted Taylor’s mental health was very fragile.

Recorder Cooke said: “There were five separate stab wounds to your mother’s leg.”

“Shortly afterwards you encountered your father, a man in his 80’s, in the stairwell and you assaulted him as well.”

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