Reader’s Letter: I agree about parking fines

File pic - A Scarborough Council Parking Attendant working in The Crescent.   093357v      
pic Andrew Higgins 14/08/09     
in News
car parking 
civil enforcement officer
wardenFile pic - A Scarborough Council Parking Attendant working in The Crescent.   093357v      
pic Andrew Higgins 14/08/09     
in News
car parking 
civil enforcement officer
File pic - A Scarborough Council Parking Attendant working in The Crescent. 093357v pic Andrew Higgins 14/08/09 in News ticket car parking civil enforcement officer warden
To follow up from Mr Fred Foster’s letter in the Guardian recently about parking fines, yes, his statement is exactly correct.

These people employed by Notts Parking Partnership are people with no consideration towards anyone. They are only out to put a penalty notice on many innocent motorists.

I for one have been fined four times within 10 weeks to a total of £140. This is since being issued with a blue badge for myself and my wife. I have never before been fined for any motoring offences, but I’m sure the traffic wardens have spot-balled my vehicle which has made me very nasty towards any of these none considerate employees. These people are a law within themselves without doubt!

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I have tried my utmost to make these people see commonsense but failed each time. I can write the whole incidents regards my parking fines but will await the reasons from the people in charge up in Sutton-in-Ashfield as to why I should pay up, and then I will reply.

I know we have to have these officers but I think that they should be a little more understanding towards their fellow mankind. These fines are a boost to the county coffers especially with the cutbacks towards the communities wellbeing.

Geoff Coe

Bracebridge, Worksop

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