Miserton author pens book to help children cope with bereavement

Ric Hart donated copies of his book to Misterton Library.Ric Hart donated copies of his book to Misterton Library.
Ric Hart donated copies of his book to Misterton Library.
A Miserton author has penned a book that may help children and families come to terms with losing loved ones to coronavirus.

Ric Hart lost his wife, Jade, just after the birth of their son Hugo in 2018.

In wake of the devastation, he spent time writing a book for his son and other young children about coping with bereavement.

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Now the book has been published and is finding new readers as children and families come to terms with losing loved ones to Covid-19.

Ric said: “‘Hugo and Daddy’s Night-time Adventures’ is written as a poem and linked by colourful illustrations to capture moments, memories, and feelings around the loss of Hugo’s mum.

“It might just provide some help with a little one’s loss.”

A number of copies have been donated to Misterton Library, where they will be absorbed into stock and made available to readers across the county.

A copy has also been donated to Misterton Primary School.

Doncaster Council is to provide a copy of the book for each of its staffed libraries and a copy for its school library service.

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Ric said: “I’ve also sent it to Nottinghamshire County Council in the hope that it, too, will see the value of the book, particularly at this time of loss due to coronavirus.”

Ric is two years into his journey as a single parent and widower and has found huge inspiration, peace, and acceptance of the loss of his wife by keeping her memory alive through the creation of his books.

During the second lockdown, Ric has been working on a follow-on book called ‘Hugo and Daddy’s Thailand Adventures’. It will be published in early 2021 and will involve a link-up with a kids’ adventure charity, which will benefit from the proceeds.

Then, in February 2021, Ric will publish an autobiography of his life with wife Jade, called ‘Pupy Love’.

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‘Hugo and Daddy’s Night-time Adventures’ is in paperback, retails at £5.99, and is available to purchase from Amazon.

All proceeds of the book go to Cruse, a bereavement care charity that offers support to children and adults dealing with grief.