Mr Punch samples Jamaican rum cake.Mr Punch samples Jamaican rum cake.
Mr Punch samples Jamaican rum cake.

Retford Big Market Day proves a hit with Punch, Judy and circus skills

Children’s entertainment dominated a successful Bassetlaw market day – with circus skills and a Punch and Judy show.

The Retford Big Market Day saw Professor Paul Temple’s Punch & Judy Show and Guiding Sparks Circus entertaining children and adults in Market Square.

Mr Temple even took Mr Punch and Crocodile on a walkabout to see the stalls and town shops.

A spokesman for Retford Business Forum, which arranged the event in partnership with Bassetlaw Council and North Notts Business Improvement District, said: “The craft market goes from strength to strength with more stalls every month and now with a café run by the Girl Guides., while the farmers’ market had its excellent range on offer plus new members, including a rum cake vendor.

“The traditional market traders were offering their usual great value and service and the sun shone – Retford looked its best for its many visitors.”

The next Retford Big Market Day will be on Saturday, November 19, when there will be a Christmas cracker and decorations workshop and a circus elf to entertain everyone.

Retford’s Christmas Market is on Sunday, November 27, from 10am-6pm.

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