Bassetlaw Tri Club enjoy Mallorca training trip

Members of Bassetlaw Triathlon Club train in Mallorca.Members of Bassetlaw Triathlon Club train in Mallorca.
Members of Bassetlaw Triathlon Club train in Mallorca.
Twenty-four members of the Bassetlaw Triathlon club headed off to Mallorca for an early season training camp, writes Paddy Ducey.

The brain child of coach Gaz Hughes, the event has been 10 months in the planning. Gaz, who has been to Mallorca on such training weeks many times over the last 10 years, put the idea forward to head coach and colleagues as something the club had never done before.

He said: “The idea for a training camp needed the buy-in of all the coaches to be able to support and lead sessions throughout the week.

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“Luckily a team of six coaches all committed to the idea and the planning began.”

“With a very positive take up from club members the hotel, with its own 25-metre pool and bike rental and storage facilities were booked. Members simply had to get themselves across to Mallorca.”

The club group had a range of cycling abilities and so three groups took on different routes. This was where the clubs coaches came into their own. Leading and advising on group riding, especially on continental roads using the opposite side to riding in the UK.

All rides had to contend with strong winds bringing a chill to the air. The strong winds had a detrimental effect for sea swimming as it created strong waves but also brought in a large number of jelly fish. As several members suffered unpleasant stings on the second morning the sea swims were cancelled and everyone used the hotel pool.

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The week continued with this routine, with some of the more serious triathletes adding a run session to their day following the cycle rides.

Based in Puerto de Pollenca in the north east of Mallorca, the location offered a great range of options for the cycling, including the Tramuntara mountains with some of cyclings iconic routes like Col De Formentor, a dramatic headland leading some 10 miles out to the lighthouse.

This was another day for cyclists to be buffeted by the strong winds. There were also options to go east or south gave much gentler routes to villages such as Sineu, where the club members had the chance to ride an outdoor velodrome.

Despite having poor weather, the week was deemed a great success and passed off with only a couple of minor incidents.