Bassetlaw Tri Club member becomes guide runner

Tom Briggs (left) and guide runner Andrew at the end of the Robin Hood half marathon.Tom Briggs (left) and guide runner Andrew at the end of the Robin Hood half marathon.
Tom Briggs (left) and guide runner Andrew at the end of the Robin Hood half marathon.
Not content with completing his own triathlons Bassetlaw Triathlon club member Andrew Jones has taken on a completely new role.

Jones has become a runner guide and recently helped fellow athlete Tom Briggs at the Robin Hood half marathon.

Briggs is partially sighted so needed a bit of assistance with changes in terrain and navigating around slower runners and obstacles on the course.

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He said: “I met Tom a few years ago when I went to watch and support the runners in the Retford half marathon.

"I was stood at the half way point when Tom and his guide came past. Tom was injured and pulled out of the race.

"I offered to give him a lift back to the start to get his belongings.

"We got chatting in the car and became 'friends' on Facebook and kept in touch.

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A few months ago, Tom put up a post looking for someone to guide him for the race, so I decided to give it a go.

"He gave me a bit of info of what would be required, and explained how we would be attached with a metre long rubber band.”

Added Jones: “We arranged a meeting point in the race village and then took our place in the starting pens. It was great to be part of a mass participation event again, with a large crowd there cheering you on.

"It was a bit congested at the start so we had to run with a tight leash to negotiate the crowd.

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"As the race spread out, we were able to settle into a good rhythm and enjoy the city centre route. The miles ticked by and before long we were heading back towards the race village.

"Spurred on by the energy from the large crowd cheering at the finish we crossed the line in 2hr 12 mins. It was a privilege to run with Tom at his 30th half marathon.”

Jones has had a busy season himself entering several triathlons. The last one being the Dambuster triathlon set around Rutland water.

The 1500 metre swim took place in Whitwell creek. The bike course had a varied profile with flat out sections and rolling Rutland countryside on its 42km route.

The 10 km run taking in lovely lakeside pavements around one of England’s loveliest beauty spots.

Jones finished with a time of 2 hours 40 mins and was left pleased with his swim.